Sissy School Sissy Training Mistresses


The Sissy Boy: Signs That You Just Might Be a Sissy


Sissy Cuckold (800) 601-6975So you’ve been feeling a little less-than-manly lately, and you’re wondering if perhaps you might be more of a little sissy boy than a true man? It is perfectly normal for ‘real men’ to have sensitive, sometimes feminine, feelings or thoughts. But how do you know if you have crossed the line into Sissyville?

How can you tell if you have reached the point of no masculine return? Well, here are a few hints that you might be a sissy boy… if you answer ‘yes’ to a majority of these, then you’re probably a sissy!


Sissy Boy Signs


Sissy School Feminization Training (800) 601-6075If your closet looks like a vat of Pepto-Bismol exploded in it, coating everything in pink, then you might be a sissy boy!

If someone asks you whether you prefer boxers or briefs, and you catch yourself wanting to blurt out, “G-Strings!”, then you might be a sissy!

When your underwear drawer looks like the inside of the latest Victoria’s Secret catalog, then you might be a sissy boy!

If you go to pay for an item and take your wallet out of a purse instead of your pants pocket, then you might be a sissy!

If you have a better bikini tan line than your girlfriend does, then you might be a sissy!

Have you ever worn a dress to a party on any day OTHER than Halloween? Then you might be a sissy!

If you just renewed your subscription to Vogue, Cosmo or Glamour, then you might be a sissy!

If you have ever owned a wig, then you might be a sissy!


Reading Playboy For the ARTICLES?

Have you ever uttered the phrase, “Oh my God, those shoes are SOOOOO cute!”?  Then you might be a sissy!

Sissy School Feminization Training (800) 601-6075If your heart starts to race when Victoria’s Secret has a “Buy One, Get One Free” sale, then you might be a sissy!

When your shoe collection rivals that of Imelda Marcos, then you might be a sissy!

If you have ever ended a sentence with “… girrrrrrrlfriend!”, then you might be a sissy!

Do you really read Playboy magazine for the articles? … then you might be a sissy!

If you have ever taken up a sport such as bicycling or swimming, just to have an excuse to shave your legs, then you might be a sissy!

If you own a Frederick’s of Hollywood or a Victoria’s Secret credit card, then you might be a sissy!

You are a member of the Panty of the Month Club? Then you might be a sissy!

If your bathroom cabinet has boxes of Massengill, tampons and Kotex in it and you live alone, you might be a sissy!


Sissy Boy Prefers Lipstick To Chapstick


Sissy School Feminization Training (800) 601-6075If you find yourself wanting to curtsy every time you say “thank you!”, then you might be a sissy!

When your wife or girlfriend finds makeup smeared on your collar and doesn’t worry that you’ve been cheating. Then you might be a sissy!

If your toe nail polish matches that of your wife or girlfriend, then you might be a sissy!

If you are WEARING toe nail polish, then you might be a sissy!

You watch the Victoria’s Secret Fashion show to see what new styles of lingerie they have coming out, instead of watching to masturbate to the sexy women, then you might be a sissy!

If you enjoy singing the “Barbie World” song in the shower, then you might be a sissy!

Have you ever asked someone, “Do these pants make my butt look big?” If the answer is yes, you might be a sissy!

If you bought Flowerbomb perfume for your wife or girlfriend, but used the entire bottle up by yourself, then you might be a sissy!

Sissy School Feminization Training (800) 601-6075If your side of the sink has more facial care products on it than your wife’s or girlfriend’s does, then you might be a sissy!

Do you prefer to use body wash from Bath and Body Works rather than Old Spice? You might be a sissy!

If you prefer wearing lipstick rather than Chapstick, then you might be a sissy!


Your Manicurist Knows You By Name


When your CD collection is full of music from artists like Shania Twain, Celine Dion, Britney Spears, Barry Manilow, Neil Diamond and WHAM!, then you might be a sissy!

If you log into an internet chat room using a feminine name, then you might be a sissy!

If you know how a bra should fit properly, and yours does, then you might be a sissy!

Do you watch football games and wish you were wearing the cheerleaders’ uniform? You might be a sissy!

If you know the difference between a panel skirt and a pencil skirt, then you might be a sissy!

If you have ever dreamed of being the next Cover Girl spokesperson, then you might be a sissy!

When you would rather use a hairdresser than a barber, then you might be a sissy!

If you use more than two hair care products on a daily basis, then you might be a sissy!

Sissy School Feminization Training (800) 601-6075If your closet contains more dresses and skirts than it does pants or jeans, then you might be a sissy!

When you would rather wear stockings than socks under your pants, then you might be a sissy!

If anyone has ever referred to you as “Ma’am”, then you might be a sissy!

If you have ever uttered the phrase, “Hey girl, do you want to go to the mall and shop?”  Then you might be a sissy!

When you would rather go to the day spa than go to the hunting club, then you might be a sissy!

If you own more Clinique than you do Craftsman, then you might be a sissy!

If the manicurist at the local nail salon knows you by name and your favorite color of polish, then you might be a sissy!


Be All You Can Be, Sissy Boy

When you prefer ruffles and lace over flannel and denim, then you might be a sissy!

Sissy School Feminization Training (800) 601-6075If you have ever been worried about your slip showing, then you might be a sissy!

If you dream of being the blushing Bride on your wedding day and of the dress you want to wear, then you might be a sissy!

When the links in your Favorites folder include or or, then you might be a sissy!

If your New Year’s Resolution involves wearing panties to work every day, then you might be a sissy!

If you have ever ‘borrowed’ a piece of lingerie from your wife or girlfriend, then you might be a sissy!

Do the majority of these sound just like you? Or do you find yourself saying, hmmmm, yes, that’s definitely ME!? Then it’s more than likely you have crossed that line into being a full-fledged sissy. Is that something to be worried about or ashamed of? Not if you ask me!

I think sissies are one of life’s greatest treasures and most intriguing mysteries. Why not embrace your sissiness and fulfill your inner femininity and destiny? When it comes to being a sissy boy or sissy girl, think of it as the US Army does.  “Be all you can be!”



Or visit us at to start your coerced sissy exploration, and to meet other sissies just like you!