Oh, bondage. That is one of my favorite topics. Add “sissy” to it and I get weak in the knees. Sissy Bondage. Could there be any two sweeter words?
In the first place, what… or who… is a sissy?
Sissies are prissy boys.
While there are an infinite number of definitions of a sissy, I think we all have a pretty good idea we would 1: know one if we saw one 2: know if we were one!
For instance, are you one of those guys who loves to dress up like a girl? Do you wear panties, for example? If you don’t have the ability to do so outright, do you sneak wearing panties ? Do you also dream of playing with dollies? Playing with toy kitchens? To say nothing of playing with other sissies, perhaps?
If you think or do any of these things, you might be just the kind of “girl” we are talking about here.
Bondage is a part of the BDSM acronym. Bondage/Domination/Sadism/Masochism is the accepted meaning of the BDSM letters.
For a Dominant/Top, bondage offers an extreme sense of control. To be able to limit someone’s autonomy and movement is fucking delicious. Claiming that control over someone is so powerful and can bring the dynamic to a completely different place in a typical couple relationship, especially between a man and a woman. If the woman becomes the Domme/Top, everyone experiences their scenes differently in comparison to their mundane lives.
For the submissive/bottom, the letting go of the responsibility of self-care and decision-making can be freeing. I love when Alpha Males are the one needing to be bound. In their lives, they control everything. Work. Home. Gym. Everywhere. When someone else has the rope and is going to remove all the responsibilities from (usually a) him, he is able to feel the freedom he rarely feels in his real life.
A Domme/Top can use any number of bondage materials:
I hear you. What is the difference between regular bondage (is any bondage ever “regular?”) and using bondage on a sissy? Why her in particular?
Sissies are generally very feminine. They love to be dressed pretty. They wear nice dresses, cute maid’s uniforms, even sexy lingerie. If a sissy is going to be bound, it might mess up her outfit… wrinkle her clothes… and that might make her cry.
Awwww, how cute would that be? To see a sweet sissy boo hoo-ing because the rope was crinkling her dress? I think it would be absolutely adorbs.
But, say you are that Dominant Alpha Male in life and you have asked your partner to tie you up. Let’s say she says, “Sure, honey. How about Saturday night?”
Then Saturday night arrives and you present your naked male body to your lovely wife. She sits you in the not-so-comfortable chair and takes the silk scarves and ties your ankles to the legs of the chair. Then she takes another couple of scarves and ties your wrists together on your lap.
You are now immobilized and completely at her mercy. Whatever will she do with you?
If she is anything like me, she will take your macho ass and feminize you. Wouldn’t that just be a hoot? Would it horrify you, too, or would it secretly make you wet?
If you were at my mercy, I would decorate you with makeup, hair, and jewelry. Then I would untie one ankle and slip panties on it… then retie it. Remove the tether on the other ankle, slip the other panty leg on… and slowly scoot the panties up, covering any manhood that might be standing at attention.
Next would be a bra… then I would have to untie your ankles again and have you stand up and tie your hands to the shower rod… but not until I dressed you in a pretty pink skirt and frilly blouse.
Now you get it, right?
After all the dressing is done and you are tied and kept still, I would bring our friends in to see you in your adorable get-up!
Then the night would really begin!
Give one of our Sissy Bondage Mistresses a call, today!